A Billion Suns game play ideas

Indicating ship type and activation status

In our first two games of ABS we came across two problems:
  • it is sometimes difficult to determine which class a ship is
  • you can lost track of which battlegroups have activated in a round.

We tried the following fix for these problems and it worked well.

I made a series of 15 mm square counters from card. These had the ship class printed on both sides (e.g. K for corvette, GS for gunship) but had different background colours on each side (I used cyan and magenta).

In the first and third rounds the counters all start with one colour showing (e.g. cyan) and are flipped after the battlegroup has activated (to magenta).
In the second round the colours are flipped from magenta to cyan.

In the image the bomber wing (B) is yet to activate, unlike the corvette and gunship.

I used the following codes:

ID Ship Class
R Recon
F Fighter
B Bomber
S Stealth Bomber
UL Light Utility
GS Gunship
UM Medium Utility
K Corvette
CVL Light Carrier
DP Defense Platform
FF Frigate
CVA Assault Carrier
BM Monitor
DD Destroyer
CV Carrier
CVB Battle Carrier
CA Cruiser
BB Battleship
CIV Civilian Ship
CRM Criminal Ship
LB Lifeboat

The file I created for printing counters is here: Ship Class counters simple multicolour.pdf

Open it using Acrobat Reader to view and change the layer visibilities to alter the colours.
Stacks Image 10
The bomber wing (B) is yet to activate, unlike the corvette (K) and gunship (GS).

Stacks Image 14
Viewing the file in Acrobat Reader and changing the settings to print a white on black back layer.