Triplanetary: Lateral 7

This page details a game of Triplanetary's Lateral 7 scenario, played at Triple Helix in Westbury.

From the Triplanetary rulebook:

A liner carrying industrial magnates to an interplanetary mining conference at the colony on Ganymede is outbound from Venus. Other pressing considerations prevent the Navy from escorting this ship, but one dreadnought (the Tycho Brahe, number 101) is on station in the Belt to respond to possible distress calls. Recently, pirates have been menacing the rich trans-Belt shipping lanes with raids from their unapproachable base at Clandestine. If the pirates can capture and ransom the passengers on the liner, they will be able to double the size of their fleet.

All aboard!

The captain of the Costa Callisto, Stella Tours, decided to follow a course to Ganymede via Mars and Ceres, thus maximising the time the ship was within planetary radar coverage. The Costa Callisto blasted off from the main Venus base at Mons Veneris on 1 July 2112.

A pirate Corsair moved to intercept the Costa Callisto, carefully skirting the radar detectors of Mars. However it misjudging the relative velocities and overshot the Callisto. The Callisto raised the alarm, luckily being missed by the shots from the Corsair.

The Navy responds

The Dreadnaught Tycho Brahe, on station in the Belt, fired up its engines and moved to intercept the liner and head off the Corsair that was chasing it. The Tycho fired a torpedo at the Corsair; a long range shot, unlikely to hit, but effective at putting the Solar wind up the pirates.

Meanwhile, closer to the pirate base of Clandestine, two more pirate ships moved out of hiding and headed towards the action.

The Callisto used gravity to swing past Mars and head for Ganymede.

In Ceres danger...

The Callisto did not have enough fuel to reach Ganymede, so Captain Tours berthed her at Ceres for refuelling on 25 July, confident that the Dreadnaught would be able to fend of the pirates which were now swarming round Ceres.

A daring pirate made a run at Ceres, attacking Callisto. Captain Tours, realising the danger of being boarded at Ceres, left rapidly, heading for Ganymede.

Nearing Jupiter

As Callisto neared Jupiter, the other ships converged on her. The Dreadnaught repeatedly fired at the pirate ships, initially so ineffectively that the pirates are able to hit Callisto and disable her. Captain Tours and her crew were able to repair the ship after two days of frantic work.

The action became a chase, with Callisto rushing for Ganymede, followed by the Dreadnaught (riding shotgun), both being chased by the pirates.

On 10 August, as Callisto entered Ganymede orbit and descended to its destination on the surface, a Corsair pirates mounted one last attack attempt, but was very badly damaged by fire from the Dreadnaught and, with all systems dead, floated off into deep space.

The Navy Dreadnaught touched down on Ganymede shortly after the liner. Despite suffering no damage from the pirates, the ship was still in great danger because of lack of fuel, landing with empty tanks. (The Dreadnaught could have "parked' in space and been refuelled by the liner, but that would have been a severe embarrassment to the Navy).

The remaining pirates retired to Clandestine to hide.


This was our first game of Triplanetary using miniatures, with two novice players. The game flowed well and all seemed to enjoy themselves. More games will follow.
Lateral 7
Inner Solar System
Navy victory
Space Navy
Asteroid Pirates
Commanders and leaders
Jef - Navy
Ian - liner
Dreadnaught Tycho Brahe
Liner Costa Callisto (Captain Stella Tours)

Corsair Canis Mirak (Captain Morgan Bloodrunner)
Corsair Dirty Snowball
(Captain Stella Phenomenon)
Corvette Plunderbus
(Captain Bruce "Red" Shift)

At Triple Helix in Westbury, July 2012
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The Costa Callisto leaves Venus and heads for Mars. A pirate Corsair moves to intercept.
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The Callisto swings past Mars (red counters mark its path). A pirate Corsair is in pursuit (green to right of image), but the Navy Dreadnaught (blue) is on hand to help. The other pirate ships, a Corvette and a second Corsair can be seen beyond the Dreadnaught.
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The Callisto passes the damaged pirate Corvette, with the Dreadnaught protecting her from the two pirate Corsairs (right). The bodies are Jupiter and Io (foreground), Ceres and Mars (right) and, in the distance, Luna, Terra, Mercury, Sol, and Venus.
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Closing stages of the game. Callisto prepares to enter Ganymede orbit and deliver its passengers to their conference. The Dreadnaught follows, carefully conserving its remaining dregs of fuel. The pirates, with one ship still badly damaged, realise they have failed.